Forum A Forum B Forum C

Forum C: Colonialism

C as in: Colonialism

A hundred years ago huge uprisings started in Namibia and Tanzania against German colonial power. We take this as an opportunity to finally tackle the issue of German ‘colonial heritage’, but also European colonial legacies at large. Hamburg – the ‘Gateway to the World’ and former centre of colonialism – is a very appropriate place for just such a discussion. But the main part of our work will concern questions relating very much to the present. These questions are also the subject of an exhibition we will be able to look at, as well as of two book premieres we will be able to attend: what makes colonialism so timeless a subject? Where precisely do we see continuity, where are the differences and breaks we need to look at - in regard to colonial practises of dominance and migration politics today? What are the discourses important for politics concerning Africa – especially if the question of military intervention arises?

Work groups will address topics such as: Colonialism – the timelessness of a long forgotten chapter in history; colonial practices of dominance and migration politics today – where do we find continuities, where breaks? De-colonising the Mind? Post-colonial Theory and Whiteness. The other Africa. Resistance against war, corruption and oppression; new colonialism in politics dealing with Africa.

With: representatives of Flüchtlingsinitiative Brandenburg (FIB) and "Extra-meeting" (asked), Sonnja Mezger, Ingmar Pech, Emanuel Matondo, Anti-Militaristic Human Rights Initiative from Angola and board member of the Third World Journalist Network (asked), Jürgen Wagner, Informationsstelle Militarisierung (imi) (asked), Gottfried Wellmer, campaign „Stoppt EPAS“