! There are a lot of more Workshops,
but they haven´t all been translated until now !
Introduction: economization/privatization
The foundation Bertelsmann participates decisively in many reforms concerning school, university, civil services, militarization and more. They are not only lobbyist but also political consultants on a high level. As different the reforms are in every sphere the keywords of economization and privatization are underlying. Economization of an institution aims a complete reorganization under managerial-economic standards. Therefore it needs a new definition of terms of services, aims, methods and organizational structures under the idol of a capitalistic enterprise. Especially in institutions with completely other assignments like education or health service, the profitability becomes the highest aim.
Economization builds the conditions for privatization. But that is not every time the reason. Economization is an intention for itself. It is used to install new forms of dominance and control.
This workshop gives an introduction of the topic Bertelsmann.
A text for preparation:
Freitag, 17-19:00 h
AG du bist bertelsmann Bremen/Hamburg
Privatisation in Duckburg. Who is in favour, who is against it and how does the left fail.
In the struggles against privatisation the radical left usually plays a marginal role. It is generally confronted with many pressure groups, who represent very different positions on the alleged causes of privatisation, as well as on alternative concepts and countermeasures. Many of the positions of the privatisation opponents are not well viewed among the left, for example a strong statism or regional theories. Starting from a fictitious privatisation, we want to play over some of the most typical positions, in order to develop a left position, that doesn't compromise our options through an overly critical view, and that doesn't accept bad compromises just to form alliances.
ig3o Leipzig:
Friday, 15-18:00 h
Reform of University and the Role of the CHE – Centre for University Development by the Bertelsmann Foundation
Text for preparation:"
Saturday, 10-13:00 h
AG Hochschulprivatisierung, Frankfurt/Main
Bertelsmann Militarizes Politics and Language – Controlled Democracy and Dual Use exemplified on Euphemization in the Political Discourse
Saturday, 15-19:00 h
anti-b AG Militarisierung
Network Forum Economization, Privatization and ’Bertelsmannization’
Sunday, 16-19:00 h
Network of power in action: Bertelsmann´s strategies and instruments of control
Text for preparation:
Sunday, 10-13:00 h
Steffen Roski
Bertelsmann: A Foundation, a Group of Companies
Saturday, 10-13:00 h
AG Du bist Bertelsmann Bremen/Hamburg
Preventive strategies for the privatisation of public facilities
Since a few years are privatization of public facilities on the daily agenda in the communities. Municipal facilities, housing associations, water provision, public transportation service or waste disposal are only some areas. The pros of privatization argue with empty cash boxes and allege that public companies are ineffective. According to a thesis by former minister of finance Hans Eichel should the state or a community only operate only those areas that a private entrepreneur could not manage efficiently. This argument is often used in discussions by CDU (Christ Democratic Party), SPD (Social Democratic Party) and FDP (Free Democratic Party) to give decisions for privatization in city parliaments a basis. The insight, that not all areas can be managed under the principles of the free market economy, because it would lead to a enormous reduction of the welfare state, is either subconsciously present or is subordinated under the dictatorship of the empty cash box.
The workshop is especially aimed at people from different cities who are active in this political field and we hope the exchange experiences. What can be done against privatization and how can we become active against the selling out of public facilities.
Friday, 15-17:00 h
attac Leipzig/ APRIL - Antiprivatisierungsinitiative Leipzig (Mike Nagler u.a.)
Access to essential medicines - the business about illness
Why is access to essential medicines difficult or even impossible in many parts of the world? How is this influenced by research and company politics, by financial interests and international treaties? Where are the links between HIV-positive children in Africa, leukaemia patients in Korea, doctors, patients and industry in our developed countries?
Sunday, 10-11:30 h
Jonas Özbay und Roman Schlager (IPPNW-Studierendengruppe Leipzig)
Cross-Linking of „Exchange Initiative“
The „Umtauschinitiative Leipzig“ („Exchange Initiative“) has been working on migration and direct support for migrants in Leipzig. We would therefore be interested in exchanging experiences with groups with the same focus as well as the development of collective projects, campaigns and starting points.
The „Umtauschinitiative Leipzig“ is a project to give direct support: Asylum seekers in Germany have to live in special accommodations, don’t receive a work permit and can’t simply buy Food in the supermarket, because they are not given money. There are different procedures throughout Germany to handle the provision. In Leipzig they use food catalogues: Instead of going shopping, the asylum seekers have to order their food from the limited items on the list. What we do is to order from the list and give the migrants the money for those items which they can now use to buy what they want.
We want to use the BUKO to:
(1) exchange experiences with other Coupon, Exchange and Chip Card initiative
(2) discuss (maybe plan) how we can together increase the pressure on officials to “abolish all racist laws”, as often demanded. We don’t stop with the AsylBLG (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz – law that rules what and how asylum seekers are provided with food and shelter) but we use it as a starting point.
We invite everybody, who is interested.
Sunday, 16-17:30 h
Umtauschinitiative "anders einkaufen" - Pakete für Bargeld
“Asylum seeker in Germany”
During the last year till today,the situation of asylum seeker is getting more and more worst in Germany. This without any regard to the internationals conventions on refugee’s rights.
As member of the F.I.B(fluchtlingsinitiative Brandenburg),the buko30 congress is a grat opportunity for us to denonciate the inhuman living’s conditions of the refugee in this country.
In this purpose,we organise a workshop in which a film “le Heim” for J. Guimatsa will be shown.followed with a discussion and we invite you all.
Sunday, 17-19:00 h
Chamberlin Wandji, FIB
„We are here because you destroy our countries“
Today is the topic of migration more actual than ever. Here is meant the migration of the youth from the so called poor countries(Africans) towards so called rich countries(Europeans).The response of European law makers and politicians is the criminalisation of migrantion. But nothing ist said about the on-going colonisation and the exploitation of African’s lands and their natural’s resources by the Europeans industries and multinationals.
As refugee’s organisation, the F.I.B (flüchtlingsinitiative Brandenburg) invite you all to a workshop in which a film “Älptraum Darwins”for Edouard Mauriat,Antonin Svoboda,Martin Gschlacht,Barbara Albert Hubert Toint Hubert Sauper. Will be show with a following discussion.
Saturday, 10-13:00 h
Chamberlin Wandji, FIB
Precarity and Migration
Migrants, esspecially refugees are confronted with precarity in a
specific way. Nevertheless the situations of migrants are very
different. One aspect we will discuss is the precarization in the
countries of origin as a reason for flight. Also we will talk about
the relation of flight, migrating workers and precarization.
Sunday, 11:30-13:00 h
FIB (Initiative of refugees in Brandenburg) and
FelS (For a leftwing current)
Migration and G8
The workshop presents the mobilzation to the actionday for migration
on June 4th in Rostock. What is planned, where are the limits of the
mobilization and how do we proceed?
Sunday, 17:30-19:00 h
… out of the mobilisation …
ROUNDTRIP: Colonialism in Leipzig
Colonialism in Leipzig? Leipzig isn’t Berlin or Hambourg. Neither Dar es Salaam nor Windhoek. Anyhow there are traces of German colonialism to be found in the town. There have been exhibitions to promote the “Colonial idea” within the population. The director of the zoo set up a “Peoples green” (“Völkerwiese”) where visitors could stare at the natives from other continents. At university and in museums, explorers told the audience about their experiences in the colonies and Leipzig publishers released their books. Even after the “Reich” lost its colonies there have been a whole range of products of colonial- and tropical engineering at the annual fare.
On a round tour in Leipzig town we want to illustrate this epoch with some examples.
Material about colonialism in Germany:
Sunday, 13-16:00 h
Jochen Lingelbach
Custody pending deportation in Saxony
discussion of the exhibition
Sunday, 11:30-13:00 h
Abschiebehaftgruppe Leipzig
“Choque de Civilizaciones“, clash of civilisations
Incidents in Melilla (Spain) in the jear 2005
Saturday, 15-17:00 h
Beate Selders
Network meeting of the refugees’ initiatives
Sunday, 17:30-19:00 h
Kino Horizonte
Locked in? Locked out! The construct of “forced prostitution” in the media discourse and its effects on women and migration politics
This workshop will critically examine how the media used violence against women in its discourse on “trafficking women” and “forced prostitution” in the run-up to the World Championship. On the one hand, violence against women serves as justification to control and criminalize migration. On the other hand, violence against women is used to construct women, and especially migrant women, as victims, to discriminate against sex work and endorse a patriarchal, discriminatory view of women who live their sexuality outside of societal norms. The workshop will look at the effects of the media discourse on women and migration politics and at opportunities for resistance. How can we oppose the discrimination against sex work without denying or neglecting the fact that sexualized violence exists? What actions are possible to confront the ways in which violence against women is being used?
Saturday, 15-17:00 h
Do Lindenberg und Anne Kathrin Himmelreich
Pink Power - against everyday militarisation, war, hierarchical genderrelations & Bombodrom'
In this workshop we want to put everyday life and militarization in context with the debate on gender and war. We represent various political and regional groups. We will refer to the present resistance against the Bombodrom, the designated bomb release testing ground in Brandenburg. We will discuss perspectives of resistance, for example the proposed squat in there in connection with the G8 summit. With our protest, we want to link up anti-patriarchal and anti-militaristic resistance, and we aim at a long-term cooperation with the region. Our goal is a world where those in power would no longer achieve their objectives, neither by structural or physical violence, nor the police or the military.
Further informations: and
Saturday, 11-13:00 h
Queering Postcolonialism
Queer can be understood as a critical political-theoretical project, which aims to challenge hegemonic heteronormative regimes. Likewise, postcolonial theory is a critical analysis of the processes and consequences of colonialism and neo-colonialism in its complex imperialistic, patriarchal, racist manifestations. Moreover, postcolonial theory also explores strategies of decolonisation and tactics of resistance against the (neo-) colonial epistemic violence and practices of recolonisation. In our lecture, we will unfold how queer and postcolonial perspectives overlap and how they bring each other into mutual productive crisis through their respective 'blind spots' that enables one to envision and challenge political strategies.
Sunday, 14-16:00 h
Maria do mar Castro Varala/Nikita Dahwan
movements, alliances, interventions? perspectives of feminist politics.
Are women’s politics and feminism out of date as it is commonly said these days? Or have just forms of organizing of and fields of feminist invention modified so that it is rarely visible without deeper knowlegde? Without a question, the women’s movement as well as feminism has changed fundamentally within the last 15 years – formed in and determinded by gender and societal relations since its birth these current changes also need to be understood as effects of altered gender and societal relations. However, at this moment it seems quite unclear how to understand theses developments,
which direction this is leading to and how to understand the social and organizational forms this is taking place in. For answering some of the questions, we need to inspect more closely potential and real moments of social friction and gender conflict, moments in which feminists already intervene or in which we as left feminists think we should intervene. Following from there we can ask how processes of feminist organizing, self-conceptions and perspectives have necessarily changed and need to be changed furthermore.
In order to give some incentive to a lively discussion we will gibe current examples and propose some ideas about the modification of social parameters and conditions of feminist organizing. We hope that from there and with your inputs we’ll have a though provoking, controversial and enjoyable debate about the future of feminist interventions.
Sunday, 10-13:00 h
Kristin Schwierz (Bochum), Katja Strobel (Münster), Corinna Genschel (Berlin)
Inequalities of power between women: successful and failed alliances
In this workshop we will talk about the links between power, identities, differences or inequalities from the perspective of our own experiences, leaded by the question of possibilities and chances of alliances in the political work between women. In many cases inequalities between women were dealt on the level of different identities: Lesbains vs. Heterosexuals, disabled vs. non-disabled women, migrants vs. Germans, and so on. We dont’t want to discuss this on the theoretical level, but focus political and practical aspects. How can political cooperation and alliances be formed, which make it possible to hold up the vision of the liberation of sexes / genders without ignoring the inequalities of power betwenn women.
In mutual interviews we want to reflect our own political biographies and bring together our different experiences. People of all known and unknown sexes and genders, also people who haven’t made experiences in alliances yet can come with their questions and comments.
Saturday, 10-17:00 h
AG Geschlecht, Macht, Politik
Feminism as the Battleground of Migration Policy
Currently, migrants’ rights are being renegotiated in some EU countries under the theme of “integration requirements“. A remarkable aspect of the debate is that it is being fought out on the terrain of women’s rights, with support from a number of politically active migrant women. The paper raises concerns about the silence, with which this explosive mix of gender and migration policy has been met within the feminist movement. Under the subheadings (i) „Citizenship“, (ii) Fortress Europe, (iii) Difference, it shows how gender is ethnicized in order to justify a more restrictive migration regime.
Sunday, 16-17:30 h
Esra Erdem
„Headscarf as a system“
The Debate about headscarf, honour killings and forced marriages is drifting between on the one side cultural-relativistic tolerance towards patriarchal violence in Islamic communities. On the other side we face a racist debate on integration. Muslim woman, who plead for critical positions inbetween the Islamic culture, are not taken seriously as political subjects. We want to look for feminist positions with you, which criticise the Islam and furthermore review the German society.
Saturday: 17-19:00 h
AFBL (Antifaschistischer Frauenblock Leipzig) and Fatiyeh Naghibzadeh
„The Other. Feminism Goes Crip Politics“
„Disabled? The others are disabled. My body is healthy“. It’s an unconvenient truth that this might be like that only at first sight, and that it will change eventually. Disability is totally unsexy. That is what most people think. Still, there are enough disabled women and men that do think otherwise. But: where are they? Why are disabled women still the last in line when it comes to jobs or love relationships? And where are disabled women among the Leftits, where are they in the women’s rights movement? In our workshop we will go searching for the „other“ that might not be so different in the end.
Sunday, 14-16:00 h
Rebecca Mascos / Heike Raab
Gender in tension. Feminisms revisited
Feminist theory developed in direct interaction with women´s political struggles.
Societal power relations, political positions and experiences of in- and exclusion are mirrored within theory formation and gender politics. Hence there can be no all-embracing introduction into „the“ feminism or into „the“ gender politics. Instead of that we would like shed light onto certain - temporary defined- thematic fields that were vital for women´s movements and gender politics. Hence we hope to provide an insight into feminist theory and practice, its criticisms and demands, visions and contradictions. We welcome all of you to productive dispute and revaluation.
Friday, 15-19:00 h
Working Group „Gender, Power, Politics“
Femi-Networks Closure of the panel Gender, Power, Politics
After 2 days of intensive discussions this workshop will provide the space for exchange and debates about our common perspectives for feminist politics. Besides the inputs from the different workshops we will present the idea for the campaign “not in our names”. The idea behind is to reject the functionalisation of women´s political demands on behalf of racism and warfare.
Sunday, 17:30-19:00 h
Working Group „Gender, Power, Politics“
War and Militarism
Forms of Aktion - experiences of resistance in Shannon
We want to work out, wich proceed on federal and international level are possible, sensible and promising.
Saturday 11:30-13:00 h
Conor Cregan (Irland)
International Resistance against Militarism
Here we want to exchange experiences with many people.
Saturday, 15-17:00 h
NeMA - Network against military garrison and their effects
Various initiatives want to network here against military locations and push forward the observation and clarification of military activities.
Friday, 17-19:00 h
Moderation: Tobias Pflüger
The inner and outer condition of the „Fortress Europe“
The militarization of borders, camps and deportations is not meant to defend the inside against the outside, but instead creates a space of permanent emergency, where governments, inter-governmental and private agencies are provided with new measures to govern the life of individuals. They enable lowest wages, surveillance and forced measures that directly disenfranchise the people and are aimed at the inclusion and exclusion of not utilizable life. “Antiracist” work and the self-organisation of migrants are fights for rights on which further (surviving) fights of the left can be attached. One of the mottos for mobilizing to the G8 expresses this view: “acquire global rights”. But what exactly are rights and how can one acquire them?
Sunday, 11:30-13:00 h
Christoph Marischka
Information Center Militarization and Alliance Against Camps Berlin/Brandenburg
Resistance against G8 and War: Block the Airport on June the 5th in Rostock-Laage
Besides many other topics the days of action against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in June are focused on war and militarization. First with actions to “inhabit temporarily the Bombodrom” (June 1st), second with the prelude of the blockade at the place where all the big bosses and their escort will arrive: at the civic-military airport Rostock-Laage.
This workshop will provide information on the background and the actual point of preparation of the blockade. We want to inspire people to contribute diverse and multifaceted ideas for actions.
Our goal is: They won’t get down here – not with their politics and not in a practical sense, to continue with their criminal arrangements – well, at least not unobstructed.
Saturday, 11:30-13:00 h
Energy security before climate protection
Energy security before climate protection says the plan of action for global energy politics from the G8 summit 2006 in Russia. This introductory workshop will explain the aspects climate protection, energy security, competitiveness and energy destitution of the G8. It will also look at the role of the EU and its recently published energy-strategy as one more step in the perpetuation of capitalism, which sets maximising profits before human well being.
Saturday, 10:00-11:30 h
Kristina Dietz (FU Berlin)
Fighting plague with Cholera ? - Or stopping climate change with nuclear power ?
Minister Gloos, Primeminister Blair, or the Latvian Government, the choir chanting “the nuclear´s going to save the climate” is big and international. Against all known data about Emissions effecting the climate, saying that hundreds and hundreds of new nuclear power plants would be necessary to effectively tackle climate change, the media is playing this song over and over again. But if all this pledging for new nukes is a mere fake, who has an interest in all that bluff, who is acting behind the curtain, who is steering the debate? Is G8 a relevant stage for Energypolitics or is it the IWF, and anyway who are the real actors in this play? Many questions, many vague assumptions, hardly or no facts.
Mycle Schneider (Paris), winner of the alternative Noble Prize, will try to bring some light into these energy-affaires. For more than 10 years he is now tracking global and european energy-politics, and like no other he can explain ongoing processes and struggles from a grassroot perspective.
A view behind the courtain, you´ll see
Samstag, 15-17:00 h
Mycle Schneider (Paris)
Stop EPR: Energy politics and resistance in France
In France with more than 80% nuclear power generation, energy politics often add up to nuclear politics. Cecile Lecomte, activist from the French anti-nuclear-network Reseau „Sortir du Nucleaire“, will talk on the current energypolitical debate in France, scheduled new nuclear power plants and the state of the movement against this policies.
Saturday, 17-19:00 h
Cecile Lecomte (Reseau „Sortir du Nucleaire“)
Energy policies in Japan – actual state of affairs
Whether the flooding of New Orleans (USA), the conflict about gas supplies from Russia or the blackout in Western Europe – the energypolitical map of the G8 seems to have its main focus in the triangle between Europe, the Middle East and the USA. The big unknown on this imaginary map is Asia. Dieter Kaufmann illuminates the energy politics of the G8-heavyweight Japan for us.
Saturday, 17-19:00 h
Dieter Kaufmann (Workinggroup against nuclear facilities Frankfurt/Germany)
Reclaim Power - Voices from the Camp for Climate Action 2006 (Film)
In summer 2006 a self-organised action-camp about climate change took place in the UK. The camp, in which more than 600 people took part, was a place for mutual learning, sustainable living and direct action – the actions mounted in the attempt to close down the coal-burning power plant in Drax. (62 Minutes – English with German subtitles)
Film from cinerebelde (Germany) in cooperation with Rising Tide UK and the Camp for Climate Action
Sunday, 18-19:00 h
Achieving more together – small guide for affinity groups
We had the idea – especially in view of Heiligendamm – to set a point against the often aimless walk-abouts of (single) activitsts at protests or actions. In this workshop people will talk about their experiences with affinity groups. Whether you like to exchange ideas or make a poster or radiojingle or design volume II of the reader, or, or.... – this is the place to start collectively.
Sunday, 10-13:00 h
Authors of the reader “achieving more together”
Testclimbing for Activists
Networks can be made from Rope. We create the fibre which brings down dogdy arguments and give visible momentum. With climbing we get where nobody suspects us. Treeclimbing allows this and a lot more. A this workshop you can try this form of protest hands-on. Up the tree, down the tree...
Sunday: 10-14:00 h
People from the movement
BUKO: Never trust somebody older than 30?
The BUKO-congress was, it will be – never the same, but always on the move. That´s the claim, anyway. But do the participants see it the same way? Or is there the wish für changes? Are there proposals for a different way of orgnisation?
Old poeple, young people, middle aged people are invented, to exchange experiences. What was specifically good oder not so good, what could be improved? Experiences from within or from an external view!
Let´s get together for tinkering BUKO!
Sunday, 16-17:30 h
Friederike Habermann, Pitt Crasemann
G 8 and Biopiracy
The so called “intellectual property right” is one of the topics, that will be discussed during the G8 meeting in Heiligendamm. Intellectual property rights are a mechanism, which is used to turn creative output into private property and therefore exclude others from the possibility to use the output.
For example, agricultural corporations from the industrial countries are able to acquire genetic resources with the help of patents and cultivar protection rights.
The first part of the workshop will deal with the questions how the G8 are trying to enforce global conditions for this biopiracy and how they profit from it.
The second part will be more practical. The “BUKO-Campaign against Biopiracy” wants to draw attention to biopiracy in Heiligendamm with a self-made “Monster of the Patent”.
We are looking forward to meet people who will help us to build the monster during the BUKO as well as to meet people, who want to join us in the protests in Heiligendamm. The two parts of the workshop can be attended separately.
Saturday/Sunday, the whole day
BUKO-Campaign against Biopiracy
Genoa - History of a Revolt
300.00 peoples protested in 2001 in Genoa with different actions against the inhuman politics of the G8.
Today 25 of them are on trial for "Destruction an Plundering". There are proceedings against hight officers of the police and carabiniere about blatant vilotations of human rights.
This presentation should give information about the state of the trials and about wich experiences this summer of brutal repression we got.
Saturday, 17-19:00 h
Supporto Legale Berlin
... is a collection of plays/exercises and techniques to make visible measures and gestures of oppression and repression, to become aware of social rituals and mask and to overcome/subdue them; the spectators will change to spect-actors.
IMAGE-THEATRE: concerning one theme/item, the spect-actors form (like sculpturers) images of their experiences, choose one of them as "reality-image" to work with; beginning with that they form images of the end of oppression, liberation, utopia.
Günther Wagner
Introduction to the Invisible Theatre
The actors develop a -well researched- conflict situation and perform it on a suitable public location/site; the spectators are not aware being also spect-actors within a theatre-piece (in contradiction to happenings or guerilla-theatre!)
"All human beings shall learn together; spectators, actors, no one is better than the other, nobody knows better; together learning, researching, inventing, deciding!" (Augusto Boal)
Saturday, 15-19:00 h and Sunday t.b.c.
Günther Wagner
Training of Blockades
Different groups and networks are calling out for civil disobedience around Heiligendamm to blockade the G8-summit. In the Training we will talk about and practice skills and knowledge that are important for attending big (sit-in,?)-blockades with lots of people: Affinity groups, decision-making, behavior in blockade-situations, reactions to violence, legal topics.
Saturday, 15-19:00 h
Anonymous with Tor
With the planned data retention all connection datas should be saved EU-wide for 24 month. But also without systematic storage, offhand one is not anonymous in the internet. The workshop goes into theoretical basics of the identification of internet users and corresponding safety mechanisms. The focal point is about TOR, a tool for anonymous use of the internet. Those who bring his/her computer will get support in install and configurate TOR.
Saturday, 17-19:00 h
C3D2 - Chaos Computer Club Dresden
Preparation of the G8 Medienaktivism (Radio)
Invitation to the JetSamRadio against the G8-summit
This is an invitation to all people who want a radio - for the fields, the streets, the shore.
Mobilization needs radio, radio loves mobile listeners.
We want a radio programme that provides the informations important to the activists - but there should not be just only news.
A radio programme that gives an insight into the focal points of the resistance and its participants - but it should not just deliver analysis.
Furthermore we want a radio that makes the suitable soundtrack available.
So we will organize a webstream - english/german speaking - globally/locally audible.
We will found editing groups - for the news, for the daily thematic focal points, for the music.
And we invite you to build up this radio with us, to take part in the studio and to create the programme.
Sunday 15-17:00 h
The enemy ist listening ...
This presentation belongs to a series of connected topics under the category surveillance. Everybody knows that telephones can be monitored, mobile phones can be used for sensing your position or for making a profile of your movements. But this technology can do much more. Especially the process of the so called “datamining” attacks the self-determination of information. “Datamining” means that already existing information is mutually linked in order to gain new information, which partly works with an amazing accuracy. This technique makes it possible to understand social relations only by analysing the data no matter if it is used for surveillance or commercial purpose. This practice is supported by an increase in data collection and an expansion of the time limit to save the information, which was passed in the EU just recently.
The technical aspects of the procedure to sense your location, eavesdropping and datamining will be presented in order to create a realistic image of telephone surveillance. It will be shown, that eavesdropping is just a part of the problem.
Samstag, 15-17:00 h
Alexander Heidenreich, Rote Hilfe Leipzig
Public Blue. Video Documentary about autonomous movement of homeless people in Japan
Public Blue, By [AHA] Anke Haarmann, Adrian Mengay, Hex, uvm., 70 min. 2006
Everywhere in parks and on the river banks of Osaka rivers, one sees blue tents or barracks covered with blue plastic tarps, at times scattered throughout park areas, sometimes lined up in rows, or united to form
small communities. The term homelessness only insufficiently describes the situation of these 「nojyukusha」, the campers in the rough. These squatters are the daily inhabitants of public space. But just as Japanese society has traditionally little known nor appreciated public
space as a public forum, likewise are squatters and homeless people, who live in these spaces, disrespected. The video essay Public Blue was produced in collaboration with Nojyukusha and supporters in Osaka. Public Blue follows their political action and sketches impressions of the Japanese
understanding of the public and the political. Used now as a tool during the struggle against evictions of tents in Osaka, the documentary also becomes a vehicle of articulation for those who are living on the outside of Japanese society.
The Japanese debut of Contact in Japan:
kansaikouen[at] for further information.
Saturday, 11:30-13:00 h
Adrian Mengay
Expose alliances
During the mobilisation against the IMF 1988 autonomous and basisdemocratic movement decided against broad alliances. Different styles of politics and actions could made their way side by side. 2007 a broad alliance against the G8 in Heiligendamm got together – to broad?
2007 hat sich ein breites Bündnis gegen den G 8 in Heiligendamm
zusammengefunden - zu breit?
In this workshop experiences of different politics and mobilisationforms should be discussed.
Saturday, 11:30-13:00 h
No input, no presentations but an invitation for discussion from two people from the Grauwache collective (authors of: „Autonome in Bewegung“ (autonoms in movement“))
Neoliberal exclusions, resistance and struggles for recognition discussed on the Japanese homeless movement in Osaka/ Japan and the documentary “Public Blue”
A growing phenomenon of neoliberal societies is the increasing exclusion of more and more people.
Starting from scenes of the movie “Public Blue”, which gives an insight in the autonomous homless movement of the “Nojyukusha” in Osaka/Japan, we try to examine central questions of neoliberal socialisation (such as exclusion, control and criminalisation of urban poverty and of the people who are effected by this).
In a second step we look on practices of resistance and examine these in connection to Honneth’s struggle for recognition. A theoretical framework can be found in the works of Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer and in Zygmunt Bauman’s Wasted lives. Modernity and its Outcasts and Axel Honneth – Struggles for recognition
Saturday, 11:30-13:00 h
Adrian Mengay was part of the team that shot Public Blue
Food Sovereignty now?!
To what extent is the concept of food sovereignty an anti-authoritarian and emancipatory alternative for agriculture?
While many movements from the global South are united in their fight for foodsovereignty, in the North, only a few people rally behind the concept. What are the roots of foodsovereignty as a political programme? What does it imply and what would it mean for the industrialised countries? What is the criticism about the concept? After three short statements we would like to discuss these questions together. And we want to clarify, in how far we can and want to work with the concept.
More Information on the Action Network on Global Agriculture:
Sunday, 10-13:00 h
Pia Eberhardt, Alexis Passadakis, Hauke Benner
Aktionsnetzwerk globale Landwirtschaft
Resistance is fertile!
Meeting of the Action Network on Global Agriculture
In the context of the anti-G8-mobilisation, we want to raise awareness about the disastrous consequences of capitalist agriculture – and the worldwide resistance against it. Therefore, we are organising two actions on the issue of land and seeds in the run-up to Heiligendamm and an action day on agriculture on June 3rd during the summit. We plan to work on these actions during the meeting. Everyone, who wants to get involved or just wants to know more about the Action Network on Global agriculture, is invited to come!
More information:
Sunday, 16-19:00 h
Aktionsnetzwerk globale Landwirtschaft
„Oaxaca – between revolt and utopia“
The protest camp of teachers on strike in the town Oaxaca in the Mexican federal state of the same name was vacated on June 14th 2006. They had been fighting for better wages and improvements of social the condition of their students. The brutal vacation of the camp lead to a broad solidarity in the population of Oaxaca, who consequently formed the APPO (Peoples assembly of the peoples of Oaxaca). The APPO demanded not “only” the dismissal of Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, who was responsible for the repression, but formulated further reaching proposals for a new constitution and reforms. The movie „Oaxaca – zwischen Rebellion und Utopie “ shows the fight of the APPO and the daily life in the camps, it gives people of different areas room to speak about their reasons to join the fight, about their hopes and plans for the time after Ulises.
It also shows the brutal repression, with which the social movement in Oaxaca has to cope, that has caused several deaths already.
Saturday, 17-19:00 h
Miriam Fischer
The Return of the Strikes – at Gate Gourmet and elsewhere
A presentation of the book:
“Flying Pickets (ed). Auf den Geschmack gekommen…Sechs Monate Streik bei Gate Gourmet“ (A Taste aquired…six month strike at Gate Gourmet)
It observes the strike at Gate Gourmet in the scope of increasing work conflicts since the wildcat strike in October 2004 at Opel in Bochum and by focusing on this example it asks for self-empowerment and autonomy of the striking workers and the power of the workers.
Presentation includes short movie clips of different strikes.
More Infos:
Saturday, 17-19:00 h
Alix Arnold / Christian Frings (Redaktionskollektiv Flying Pickets)
Block G8: moving, blocking, staying
The campaign for massive civil disobedience during the G8 meetin
Different groups and alliances call for civil disobedience in the area of Heiligendamm in order to block the regular course of the G8 meeting. The exercise for blocking will include talking and practicing what is needed for massive Sit-Outs: peer-groups, decision making, behaviour in the blockade, behaviour in the case of violence, judicial assistance.
Sonntag, 10-13:00 h
Der große Ausverkauf (The big sellout)
Screening; in cinemas may, 17th!
A british train driver, a philippine mother, a south african activist and the citizens of a bolivian city: they have come to realise what privatisation means and they are already fighting against it.
“It is the ambition of this film to show what is behind the abstract phenomenon of privatising basic public services; what it means and what it feels like for the people affected. What a society loses by putting private corporations in control of ist basic public services. The protagonists of DER GROSSE AUSVERKAUF have got to realise today what it means when the supply of water and energy, public transport or health care are privatised. They´ve got to struggle with something that sooner or later might happen to all of us.
But I don´t want to portray them as victims but as active and dignified individuals, who are able to take their destinies in their own hands and change the privatised reality they live in. This documentary wants to make the public aware of a development that can change all our lives.”
(Regisseur Florian Opitz)
Saturday, 10-13:00 h
Majestic Filmverleih GmbH
Controlled Bodies (Talkshow)
On Globalization of Bio-politics - Between Discourses on Beauty and Population Control
In a talk show - prepared for months, nevertheless mainly improvised - we want to discuss interactively and multimedia supported together with the participants of the workshop about bio-politics. Exemplified by the items of beauty and population politics a bio-political view shall be taken on power. How are we disciplined day by day and how do we reproduce the rule? How do bio-politics change in the course of globalization? What does the bio-political view offer for a daily practice of resistance?
Samstag, 15-19:00 h
HalluzinNoGene powered by alaska
Mayday in Berlin - what's up?
Starting in Milan 2001 many Euromayday-parades in cities throughout
Europe took place. With regard to the forthcoming second Mayday-parade
in Berlin we want to discuss with the participants about idea, claims
and reality of the project and exchange information about the
continuing organization and networking against precarious living and
working conditions within the Mayday-movement.
Sunday, 16-17:30 h
FelS (For a leftwing current)
Dominance dismantling and creative group processes
Every place of left politics – how can it be different ? – is more or less behavorial structured by socialised forms of domination rather than by an emancipatorical praxis. The more people which participate by organising something, the more informal forms of domination take effect. At this workshop we want to presentate and develope counter measurements.
An inspiring literature can be the „Hierarchnie“-Reader:
Saturday, 15:00-19:00 h
Allmende e.V. (Verden)
NANO technology: risks and side effects
The second largest reinsurance company of the world, the SWISS-RE, compares the potential risk of NANO material with the potential risk of asbestos. Today NANO material can be found in cosmetics, ketchup, diapers, salt for cooking, cars, sofas, carpets, clothes, glasses, spray for shoes, varnish, paint, cleaning agents, food packaging, washing machines and so on, but still only sporadic. Registration requirements don’t exist.
Furthermore, the NANO technology will, due to the existing societal conditions, intensify the unbalanced state of power relations.
Another round of biopiracy and a new ‚green’ revolution (the 3rd after genetic technology and chemistry) are being planned.
*It will be given an update to the topic and we will discuss ideas for specific demands and practical resistance.*
More Infos:
Saturday, 16:00-17:30 h
Jörg Djuren
Out of Action – emotional first aid
Political activity often comes along with the experience of brutal situations which can led to a psychological trauma. This is not a private problem of those persons concerned but also a method of state repression against which we want to set something against it.
In our workshop we want to talk about how a trauma emerges, how a trauma can be recognised and we want to show possibilites how to deal with it.
Sunday, 10-13:00 h
out of action
Demosanis Praxisworkshop
When the leaders of the world have no arguments left, they let their servants draw
their batons instead.
Physical force is meant to break resistance by pain and fear, to cause injuries is
an act of repression.
Frequently activists only rely on street medics or the official emergency medical
But - street medics cannot be everywhere, and the emergency medical service is often
accused to show inadequate behavior or to co-operate with the police.
It is time to learn first aid measures in the sense of mutual, active solidarity, to
be able to help before more organized and trained support arrives, or for the case
if there is no medical assistance available at all.
Due to its shortness this Workshop cannot replace a complete first aid class under
any circumstances.
However, It offers safe ways to deal with the injuries arising on demos and actions
most frequently.
- calling street medics and the emergency medical service
- wound care (dressings, pressure dressing, head dressing, plaster tricks)
- compilation of a small first aid set for action use
- protection from and treatment of damage by irritating agents
Sunday, 15-17:00 h
Sanitätsgruppe Dresden
Demosanis Praxisworkshop II
- how to react on unconsciousness (breath-, if necessary pulse control, recovery position)
- protection from cold weather and wetness
- patient transport with auxiliary equipment
Sunday, 17:30-19:00 h
Sanitätsgruppe Dresden
ClownArmy repetition of recruitment
Saturday, 15-18:00 h
ClownArmy repetition of recruitment
Repetition of Saturday
Sunday, 10-12:00 h
cross-linking of organized newspaper projects
Like the motto „[em]power#networks“ we want to take the possibilites on the BUKO to get to know and to exchange experiences with other newspaper projects. With the perspective to learn from each other is the discussion about difficulties in production an circulation very important to us.
Sunday, 17:30-19:00 h
Movin' Europe - Life calls for creativity
A political and cultural action, a counter-movement opposing the G8 summit at Heiligendamm befor, during and after the G8 – an european network of festivals, event or meetings and caravans, to:
- overcoming borders between countries and people,
- strengthening existing networks and initiating new contacts,
- shaping and creating space in the service of discussion and exchange,
- activating thought-processes,
- reclaiming public space in order to motivate collective action.
So far there are people and groups in Frankfurt, Munster, Karlsruhe, Tubingen, Hamburg, Geneva, Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Nottingham, Moscow, Copenhagen... who want participate at the caravan ‚Movin`Europe‘
More information:
Sunday, 16-19:00 h
Internationalism of action – garage of history
Friday, 17-19:00 h
Martin Krämer Liehn
Film "women reclaim the night"
Sunday, 16-17:30 h
Unwanted connections
On the discursive state of the “German nation”: patriotism, parallel societies, racism
Current political and media debates on “patriotism”, “parallel societies” and “integration” in Germany are laden with problematic content: racist demands are made for the integration of migrants; an ethnicization of politics is taking place; migrant groups are in- or excluded according to their economic “usability”; exclusive definitions of “Germanness” are elaborated on; and last, but not least, a renaissance and normalization of nationalist tendencies is taking place. The workshop aims to discuss and analyse these tendencies, addressing institutions, structures and persons prompting the debates in the networks of power; tools, approaches and theories for a better understanding of these processes; and the implications for critical “scholarship with commitment” and emancipatory practices.
German Infos:
Saturday 10-13:00 h
Forum für Kritische Rechtsextremismusforschung
nobody governs the world (Book conception)
Consequent conspiracy theories like they envolve in the internet, could help to realise that practically all humans constantly pursuit their interests.
Ideological conspiracy thinking "the conspirationism" serves political groups to present themselves as altruistic and free of interests.
But the conspirational enemy will be accused for pursuiting their interests and for the destruction of a
pretended harmony. Conspirationism prospers best as a state ideology, wich can be shown first of all the german history of the past two centuries.
Sunday, 11:30-13:00 h
Daniel Kulla
For a third voice in the Middle East
The Middle East is a battlefield with two front lines. On the one side stand the imperialistic powers under the dominance of the USA and the EU, together with Israel and other backward regimes in the region. The other two superpowers Russia and China are also strongly interested in the region for economic reasons. On the other side stand Islamist groups and foremost the Islamist dictatorship of Iran. In between we find the population of the Middle East, who are the actual losers of the conflict. As a social movement they could together with progressive left forces in the Middle East and worldwide fight for a common basis to find an emancipatory escape from the conflict.
Friday, 15-17:00 h
Piran Azad und Schahnaz Bayat, Mitglieder der "Rahe Kargar"
Other Workshops
Hegemony/hegemony inverted
In social movements it is every time discussed how to interpret the dominant conditions and additionally how resistance and alternatives can be built up. About 80 years ago the italian activist and theorist Antonio Gramsci developed his understanding of social domination which he called hegemony. Apart from the topics of structural and explicit coercion it is always about active and/or passive compliance of the governed people. But what does that mean for emancipatory strategies? Apart from an introduction of the specialist terms this question shall be discussed with examples of Latin America and Europe.
Friday, 17-19:00 h
Martina Blank (Lateinamerika-Institut Berlin)
Ulrich Brand (BUKO-ASWW), Nicola Sekler (BUKO-ASWW)
Critical Theory: history and political relevance
Critical Theory (in the tradition of the “Frankfurt School” and beyond) had strong impact on the development of protest and social movements, even if this relationship between theory and praxis was not free of tensions. The relevance of Critical Theory today will be discussed focusing on particular issues like the relationships with nature. Thus, experiences with Critical Theory and the complex relationships with political praxis will be considered.
Friday, 15-17:00 h
Christoph Görg
Discourse analysis: Introduction, examples, practice and critique
We present our points of view and approaches to discourse analysis and their potentials and limits for analysing and criticising society.
As an introductory workshop, this workshop is, of course, open to all. It especially addresses people who have little or no experience in dealing with discourse analyses and similar methods. All questions are allowed, discussions and controversies are expressly looked forward to!
The focuses as regards content and methodology are based upon the participants’ needs and interests.
Topics and fields that may serve as suggestions and orientation: discourse (analysis) – what’s that?, knowledge (and power), the state and the state’s perspective, identity (critique), space/city, post-colonialism and development, gender/prostitution, migration/ethnic economies, what is critique?, productions of community/collectivity.
We’re looking forward to you attending and co-operating, your questions and answers, exciting discussions, critique and exchange of experiences!
Friday, 15-17:00 h
Stefan Kausch
Reply to the NGO-position paper
In March 2007 40 NGOs publicised their requirements of the G8 in a position paper. We want to compose a reply to that paper. By that we want not only to criticise the legitmization of the G8. We want also analyse the 40 requirements and formulate a solid critique on its contents. The paper should be presented at the general assembly on sunday evening – and should be send as an open letter to the press and the NGOs undersigned as „from the BUKO“.
Sunday, 11:30-13:00 h
spokesperson from the BuKo-Speakers council
Will the council of spokespersons of the BUKO goes on?
Saturday, 13:00 h
Yourope EU: A theme for the Left?
50 years after the signing of the treaties of rome and in the year of the german presidency of the European Council the EU is for thr german Left more a subordinated theme. This is insofar questionable as the european integration under neoliberal circumstances does significantly influence the social quarrels on national and local level since years. Additional the EU plays an important role in the world economy and there exist ambitions to increase its military role. Relating to their external borders the EU states practice a walling off policy which let thousands of refugees die each year. In this workshop actual trends and contradictions of the EU will be discussed. Furthermore causes will be followed up why the EU contrary to the G8 gets so less attention in the local Left. Last but not least we want to discuss how a left position towards the EU could look like.
Samstag, 10-13:30 h
Ingo Stützle, FelS Markus Wissen, BUKO