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No or Yes or Better or Worse?

The 30th BUKO in provincial Eastern Germany. G8 in Heiligendamm. Why not? Against it? So what. NATO airport Halle/Leipzig is next door: Beating swords into ploughshares. Easter parade and peace. Mullahs keep ruling in Iran. Anti-Americanism, conspiracy theory, left-wing compatibilities to right-wing ideology, and antimilitarism. Splitting issues. Thinking cross-section without sections.

Leipzig isn't Berlin, Bremen or Hamburg. But still the next connection. Maybe a bit like Berlin and the IMF congress? Certainly vitalising and compatible. To the apolitical individual. Open for all discussions.

The Leipzig preparation group is organising glades in the forest. Childcare. Accommodation. Open spaces. It is local involvement. Local patriots? Never. More like: Pragmatics; attac, the student union, Zapatistas, researchers, libertarians. Always in solidarity. Generally speaking, we're only here to roll out the carpet. But we're already getting into strategic debates about the interior. Asking for consequences in our actions? More applicatory than ever. But not only that. Surveillance. Racism. Education. Resistance. Buzz words to which the answer isn't always riot. From the logic and rationale of the tactical steps: Action, resulting from a process of discussion including the experience and knowledge of everybody. Utopia? The congress can deliver the platform.

The group itself is already the common denominator. The carpet will be prepared at Easter. Discourses and networks. Simple comparisons are not the alternatives. Destructivity is not a stop-over on the road to the next conflict area. Practice is movement. BUKO in Leipzig.

The Leipzig preparation group

[em]power # networks

» Leader BUKO30
» Methods
» Preparation Group Leipzig


Local Congress-Office:
StudentInnenrat Leipzig, BUKO- Büro, Liebigstraße 27a, 04103 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341/97 37 875
Mail: leipzig[at]buko.info
Bürozeiten: Mo, Di, Do 11-16 h

BUKO Geschäftsstelle:
Nernstweg 32, 22765 Hamburg
Tel.: 040/39 35 00
Fax: 040/28 05 51 22
Mail: mail[at]buko.info
Homepage: www.buko.info


Universität Leipzig
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig

» How to get there


Bundeskoordination Internationalismus and
StudentInnenrat Universität Leipzig

» Supporters
» Financial support