Kongress buko25 Frankfurt/ Main 09. - 12. Mai 2002 |
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Gesundheitsbewegung in Indien und international Gesundheit wird weltweit immer mehr zur Ware. Wer zahlen kann, darf Hilfe erwarten - wer nicht, hat das Nachsehen. Weltweit ist die Zweiklassenmedizin auf dem Vormarsch. High- und Biotech auf der einen Seite, während für Millionen von Menschen weder die Grundvoraussetzungen für Gesundheit erfüllt sind (wie ausreichend und gute Nahrung, sauberes Wasser sowie Abwasser- und Abfallentsorung) noch der Zugang zu Basisgesundheitsdiensten und "essential drugs" sichergestellt ist. Ravi und Thelma Narayan aus Bangalore kommen auf ihrer Europareise auf den BUKO in Frankfurt. Sie stellen die Gesundheitsbewegung in Indien vor und ihre Vernetzungs- und Projektarbeit dort. Sie sind MitinitiatorInnen und UnterstützerInnen der "Gesundheitscharta der Menschen", eine kämpferische Plattform für das Recht auf Gesundheit, die 2000 von der internationalen "peoples health assembly" verabschiedet wurde. In dem Workshop, zu dem medico international und die Buko-Pharmakampagne einladen, steht dann auch noch die Frage nach einem deutschen Part internationaler Vernetzung zur Diskussion. Der Workshop findet auf englisch statt.
BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION OF FACILITATORS Drs' Ravi and Thelma Narayan are co-initiators of the Community Health Cell (CHC), the functional unit of the Society for Community Health Awareness, Research and Action (SOCHARA).This is a health policy and training resource group actively involved with community health action, challenges and issues with the governmental and non-governmental sector in India for nearly two decades. Prior to that they were faculty members of the department of Community Medicine at St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India. The centre (CHC) has been involved with research, advocacy and action on key public health issues including women's health, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS, tobacco, alcohol and environmental health issues. The highlight of their work was the active participation of CHC in the mobilization process for a National and Global People's Assembly in Kolkata (India) and Savar (Bangladesh) respectively in December 2000. Drs' Narayan, both public health professionals (Ravi has trained in Public Health, Industrial Health and Preventive and Social Medicine and Thelma in Epidemiology and Public Health Policy) and London School alumni will facilitate meetings and workshops on the PHA and the charter highlighting the Indian experience primarily and also sharing the post-PHA developments and initiatives all over the world. The presentations will draw on audiovisual aids, videos, slides, OHPs, CDs and a small poster exhibition of 30 posters that share the spirit of the PHA mobilization. The meetings will be informal get discussions among all those interested or involved in PHA in a city/region, using a workshop mode if hosted by academic institutions, NGO networks or other agencies. The Narayans and CHC as a centre is well known for its contribution to the evolution of a social/community model of Health that goes beyond the dominant bio-medical model and promotes a paradigm shift from people as patients to people as participants; from providing of services to enabling and empowering strategies; from preoccupation with drugs, technology, vaccines to focus on health awareness and social processes; from over professionalisation to demystification; and from intracellular molecular biology to a community oriented socio-epidemiology in research and action. The Narayans are active in the People's Health movement nationally and globally and also promote these new paradigms in mainstream institutions and with the government locally. Contact Address :