Das besetzte ZAD in Frankreich wird polizeilich geräumt! (letztes Update 15.4. Wiederbesetzung)

9.April 2018, Frankreich

Seit 3 Uhr in der Nacht vom 9. April wird das besetzte la ZAD (Zone a defendre) in Notre-Dames-des-Landes von ca. 2500 Polizist*innen angegriffen.Das Gelände la ZAD ist das Symbol eines über 50 jährigen Widerstandes gegen ein geplantes Flughafen-Projekt in Nantes. Durch die Besetzung ist das Gelände zu einem Ort geworden, an dem sich Aktivist*innen aus aller Welt, lokale Landwirt*innen, Dorfbewohner*innen, Geflüchtete, Klimarechts-Aktivst*innen und viele Andere organisieren.

Bei dem aktuellen Angriff wurden die ersten Siedlungen bereits geräumt und nach stundenlangen Kämpfen sind einige Teile des Geländes nun von der Polizei besetzt. Der Widerstand und die Verteidigung dauern jedoch weiter an. Hunderte Menschen verteidigen weiterhin das Gebiet gegen das Polizeigroßaufgeobt. Die Menschen in la ZAD wehren sich und konnten bereits einige Angriffe der Polizei zurückschlagen. Zur Zeit werden Straßen durch Barrikaden gehalten um weitere Siedlungen vor Angriffen zu schützen.


Mehr Infos zu la ZAD und der Räumung:

zad.nadir.org https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/04/10/live-blog-the-eviction-of-zad-nddl-day-2-zadresist/#





Soliaktion in Hamburg:

Um den widerständigen Menschen in la ZAD eine kleine Solidaritäts-Botschaft aus Hamburg zu senden, wollen wir uns am 11.4. um 18.30 Uhr an den KNUST-Treppen im Karoviertel bei der Schlachthofpassage treffen und ein Solifoto machen. Der Kampf um la ZAD geht weiter!


Soliaufruf aus dem ZAD:


We are writing with the smell of tear gas rising from our fingers. The springtime symphony of birdsong is punctuated by the explosive echo of concussion grenades. Our eyes are watering, less from the gas than the sadness ; because our friends' homes, barns and organic farms are being destroyed. Bulldozers, supported by 2500 riot police, armored vehicles, helicopters and drones, are rampaging through these forests, pastures and wetlands to crush the future we are building here on the to the zad (The zone à defendre).

We are calling on you to take solidarity actions everywhere, it could be holding demos at your local french embassy or consulate, or taking actions against any suitable symbol (corporate or otherwise) of France ! And if you are not too far away, bring your disobedient bodies to join us on the zone. If the French government evicts the zad, it will be like evicting hope.

For fifty years, this unique chequerboard landscape was the site of a relentless struggle against yet another climate wrecking infrastructure - a new airport for the nearby city of Nantes. Farmers and villagers, activists and naturalists, squatters and trade unionists wove an unbreakable ecology of struggle together and three months ago on the 17th of January, the French government announced that the airport project would be abandoned. But this incredible victory, won through a diversity of creative tactics from petitions to direct action, legal challenges to sabotage, had a dark shadow. In the same breath that declared the abandonment, came the announcement that the people occupying these 4000 acres of liberated territory, the 300 of us living and farming in 80 different collectives, would be evicted because we dared not just to be against the airport, but its WORLD as well.

Since that victorious day, the battle has transformed itself and is now no longer about a destructive infrastructure project, but about sharing the territory we inhabit. We stoped this place from being covered in concrete and so it is up to us to take care of its future. The movement therefore maintains that we should have the right to manage the land as a commons (see its declaration The Six Points for the Zad because there will never be an Airport). Today this is the struggle of the zad (zone to defend) of Notre Dame Des Landes.

The zad was launched in 2009 after a letter (distributed during the first french climate camp here) written by locals inviting people to occupy the zone and squat the abandoned farmhouses. Now the zone has become one of Europe's largest laboratory of commoning. With its bakeries, pirate radio station, tractor repair workshop, brewery, anarchitectural cabins, banqueting hall, medicinal herb gardens, a rap studio, dairy, vegetable plots, weekly newspaper, flour mill, library and even a surrealist lighthouse. It has become a concrete experiment in taking back control of everyday life.

In 2012 the French state's attempt to evict the zone to build the airport was fiercely resisted, despite numerous demolitions 40,000 people turned up to rebuild and the government withdrew. The police have not set foot on the zad since, that is, until Monday morning, when at 3am the gendarmes pierced into the zone.

On day one they destroyed some of the most beautiful cabins and barns, but yesterday we stopped the cops from getting to the Vraies Rouge, which happens to be where one of our negotiators with the government lives. Destroying the house of those that agreed to sit at the table with you was a strategic mistake. The fabulous zad press team used this as the media hook and today we are winning the battle of the story. If enough people get to the zone over the next days we could win the battle on the territory as well. We need rebel everything, from cooks to medics, fighters to witnesses. We doubt this rural revolt will be finished before the weekend, when we are also calling people to come and rebuild en mass.

Already solidarity demonstrations have taken place in over 100 cities across France, whilst the town halls of several towns were occupied. Zapatistas demonstrated in Chiapas Mexico, there were actions in Brussels, Spain, Lebanon, London, Poland, Palestine and New York and the underground carpark of the french embassy in Munich was sabotaged. They will never be able to evict our solidarity.

Post your reports on twitter @zad_nddl #zad #nddl and to our solidarity action email soutienzad(at)riseup.net

for more info in english see www.zadforever.blog and watch this video




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqrtUkBmv8s to see what is being destroyed


2.Update (12.4.2018)

S.O.S - An extremely violent situation at the ZAD today


Please, we’re asking you all to do whatever you can to support us and to stop this expulsion operation. They’re trying to kill us all. They’re firing at anything that moves, on sight, with tear-gas canisters, launching sting-ball and stun grenades and many offensive grenades.

They fire dozens of them at a time, and they’re doing it right now.

It’s terrible; even the press, even senior reporters, are shocked, and as a matter of fact several of them have been injured too, some seriously.

Dozens of people have been hit by balls from the grenades.

This afternoon a large group of people of all ages who had come to support us went into a field where a few gendarmes were stationed and simply told them to leave, in a light-hearted way since we’d just been having a good time together and wanted to take a picture in front of Les Vraies Rouges in support. They forced us back and continued to fire at us even as we tried to retreat. We had grenades exploding at our feet when we were in a field on the other side of a hedge. And they continued for three hours, trying to protect the places they were destroying; they drowned us in tear-gas and forced people back with extreme violence.

We’re sorry, this e-mail is written in the heat of the moment, but we’re all shocked. In addition to all the houses that have been destroyed, so many of our friends and supporters have been injured. It’s terrible.


Update 15.4.2018

Original to: https://zad.nadir.org/spip.php?article5562


Despite the state of siege imposed by the government, a crowd of 15,000 to 20,000 people has succeeded, whatever the cost, in reaching different points of the ZAD this Sunday. This afternoon new groups are arriving all the time. Since this morning, the state has done everything possible to break this huge surge of solidarity: there are road blocks and checkpoints everywhere; police checkpoint policeman at the exit lanes of the motorways, asking drivers not to to try to go to the solidarity gathering. This is the first time that the state has tried to prevent a big demonstration of this kind on the ZAD, and to wind up the tension. But here the collective spirit has not allowed itself to be intimidated by any such thing: the ZAD's supporters know the country paths, and the fields, and they have been moving in groups in order to get round the police blockades. The movement that succed in forcing the abandonment of the airport project is here again today, in all its strength and diversity, to defend the ZAD.

At 2.00pm there was a solemn moment at the Bellevue Farm. The thousands of sticks and clubs (batons) planted on the 8th of October 2016 were dug up from the ground. We had made a solemn promise to come and collect them if ever the ZAD came under renewed attack. That time has now come!

People of all ages have set off along Le Chemin de Suez, escorting a large wooden framethat is being carried by a convoy of tractors. This beautiful construction has been created this week with timber from the ZAD, under the Hangar de l'Avenir [the 'Barn of the Future'] by dozens of carpenters. For the moment it is mounted on the field of the Wardine, with a view to moving it later. Hundreds of people are carry pieces of wooden constructions by hand. It was on this same field in 2012, at the time of the Demonstration of Re-occupation, that human chains had carried masses of materials to build a village at La Chataigne [the 'Chestnut Tree'].

Today, hundreds of sticks and clubs were immediately planted around construction site to protect this new building, a market hall and meeting space which was initially planned to be brought directly to the Gourbi to replaced the communal area that was destroyed [by the police] last Thursday. Meanwhile other large groups of demonstrators, with batons in hand, have spilled over from all sides of the police operation on the D81 road, and have crossed the road to pass to the east, into the forbidden zone, which has been occupied since this morning by columns of gendarmes. A mobile construction has been carried across the fields. Meanwhile more than a hundred people have been kettled since since this morning at the La Grée farm. Supporters are trying to reach them. We are informed that the Prefect [local representative of the state] has arrived at the Saulce crossroads. After yesterday's solid demonstration of more than 10,000 people in Nantes, involving trade unionists, students and supporters of the ZAD, she will once again be able to see with her own eyes that nobody can crush our collective desire by the use of terror and destruction!

Especially because this weekend solidarity actions are continuing in many cities in France and around the world.

The ZAD has been wounded, but it is always magical!

We shall shortly send an update on the events of this afternoon

For further information, see the regular updates at the ZAD website:

Zone à defendre - http://zad.nadir.org/