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Countdown to re:control
The official BUKO-prelude.
In the days prior to the BUKO, we will screen films, videos and other contributions of activists at renowned locations of left subculture. The discussions will be the warm-up to the contents of the congress. Countdown to re:control – Countdown-Film-Program.

Other Working Groups
Thursday, 25.05.06, 15:00 - 18:00 h

Crash Cours: Feminism as Criticism on Dominion
An overview on theories and practices of the socialistic and cultural feminism of the 1970ies up to present-day de-constructivist and queer debates: against this background we would like to ask, which potential critical on dominion can – and must – feminism have beyond the compulsions of identity politics.
Crash Cours: Empire, Imperialism, Globalisation
With: Markus Wissen, Uli Brand
Apart from mainstream conceptions like Global Governance there are also other options to explain the “new world order”, such as e.g. the concept of Empire. But also the notion of Imperialism is revived. We will present some conceptions and ask for their political practical relevance.
Crash Cours: Biopiraterie
With: BUKO Kampagne gegen Biopiraterie
Friday, 26.05.06, 11:45 - 13:30 h

War, "Hartz", Militarisation and Social Attacs
Antipatriarchales Netz Berlin, „Krieg ist Frieden“, Detlef Hartmann (Mitherausgeber der Materialen für einen neuen Antiimperalismus)
The Unholy Trinity – how IWF, Weltbank and WTO cooperate together
Daniela Setton / Alexis Passadakis (WEED e.V.)
Friday, 26.05.06, 15:00 - 16:45 h

Doctrine of „Human Security“ – New Wars and Civilian-military Cooperation
With: Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI)
Using the theory of the “new wars” the violent enforcement of economic and strategic interests is presented to be a defensive operation. But the civilian-military cooperation is playing an ever more important role for the effectiveness and legitimisation of Western wars.
Observing the Human Rights in the Context of Civilian-military Control of the rural population in Chiapas and Guatemala (Part I)
With: CAREA e.V., Gruppe B.A.S.T.A.
Different forms of combating riots respectively of social control in Chiapas and Guatemala will be analysed. The transitions between open civil war, war of low intensity and protectionist pocketing are flowing. What contribution can be made through observing the human rights to preserve the free spaces created?
The social fronts of globalisation (Part I)
With: Materialien für einen neuen Antiimperialismus
... are the ones, where we would like to come back to the directness of the struggles (Gate Gourmet, Hartz IV, universities, etc.). Starting from here we will focus on the city and the region as fields of struggles: from the metropolitan clusters to the slum cities of the developing world.
Book conception with: Dario Azzellini, Stefan Thimmel (Publisher) und Martin Ling (Author)
Soccer and Latin America. Hopes, heroes, politics and commerce.
For children and young people: Child rights and Escape [15:00 - 19:00 h]
Alternative media in bolivarian Venezuela
Nerio Albornoz, Gabriel Paez, Luis Manuel Flores, Yohangel Cordero (all: Radio Rebelde, Caracas), Candelario Reina, Till Below
Friday, 26.05.06, 17:15 - 19:00 h

How far left is left governmental politics in Latin America? One year of Frente Amploi government in Uruguay
With: Stefan Thimmel (freier Journalist Berlin/Montevideo)
The social fronts of globalisation (Part II)
With: Materialien für einen neuen Antiimperialismus
Observing the Human Rights in the Context of Civilian-military Control of the rural population in Chiapas and Guatemala (Part II)
With: CAREA e.V., Gruppe B.A.S.T.A.
Conflicts on Resources, militarisation, resistance and alternatives in the example of Latin America
With: Uli Brand, Elmar Altvater, Dario Azzellini
In this workshop we will show the present strategies of resource control and militarisation, with a special focus on the actors. Furthermore, we will take into account the manifold strategies of resistance and alternatives, the focus is on Latin America.
The "other campaign" zapatista in Mexico
Alfonso López Ramírez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
G8 RadioFusion
Saturday, 27.05.06, in the morning

Karawahnsinn07 – Movin’ Europe
http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Heiligendamm.html; contact: vision07[at]riseup.net
Let’s infiltrate the fortress Europe! Festivals, caravan, consulta. For the mobilisation of the heads and on the search for common grounds within our resistances.
Project meeting "30 years BUKO" [10:00 - 11:30 h]
Organisation from below [10:00 - 12:30 h]
Falk Beyer
"Weltweiter Kampf um Nahrung, Land und Würde – ohne die deutsche Linke? Perspektiven für eine Wiederentdeckung des Themas globale Landwirtschaft" [10:00 - 12:30 h]
Attac AgrarNetz, BUKO Kampagne gegen Biopiraterie
"Feminismus ist Herrschaftskritik - Und was hat das mit uns zu tun?"
[10:00 - 12:30 h]
Avec: Maren Burkhard und Andrea Jung
Saturday, 27.05.06, in the afternoon
Out of Order and everything under Control - Or: “Was tun, wenn´s brennt…?“
[14:00 - 16:00 h]
"Gentech vom Acker! Freiwillige Feldbefreiung 2006" [14:00 - 17:00 h]
Kampagne "Gendreck weg!"
Film demonstration "Krieg ohne Ende" [16:00 - 17:00 h]
Haifa Rosenbaum/Samira Fansa
Beginnings for another managing - solidary economics instead of Neoliberalismus. [14:00 - 17:00 h]
Kristina Bayer und Wolfgang Fabricius
Examples of Germany and Brazil
Statuentheater - Offer for the congress [14:00 - 17:00 h]
The correct life in the wrong one [14:00 - 17:00 h]
Franziska Müller
Film demonstration "Land unter Strom. Staudämme – Millionengewinne auf Kosten von Mensch und Natur" [17:00 - 19:00 h]
Dorit Siemers / Heiko Thiele (Zwischenzeit e.V.)
Samba as a form of activity [17:00 - 19:00 h]
Rhythms of Resistance Berlin