We're unveiling!
Dear friends,
here you'll get a frequently actualized overview concerning workshops, lectures and the respective speakers who already assured their participation at BUKO.36...
Panel migration/ racism
Matthias Monroy "Armament outwards and control inside: an inventory of the migration regime of the European Union"
Aram Ziai "Welcome in Zhengistan, Ethiopians! Post-colonial theories and migration policies"
Pia Garske "Intersectionality - what's in a name?"
Mutlu Ergün "Everyday Racism, Whiteness and Resistance: What's "Race" got to do with it?"
Kien Nghi Ha "Between "the struggle for the best minds" and new welcoming culture? (Post-)colonial logic and metaphors in German migration politics"
Hanna Hacker "Post-colonialism and queerfeminism"
Afrique Europe Interact"Climate refugees: Between discursive hype and real horror scenario"
Iris Rajanayagam/ Mbolo Yufanyi Movuh "Post-colonial continuities in the German refugee and asylum policies"
BUKO Activist "Critical Whiteness - A Subject for the BUKO?"
Aram Ziai "Welcome to Zhengistan, Ethiopians! Post-colonial theory and migration policy"
Isabell Reimann "On the brink of Eurocentric historiography - About the history of World Wars in the Caribbean"
Anja/ AK Reproduktion "Feminist perspective from the viewpoint of social reproduction"
Natasha A. Kelly "Racism and language"
Women's organization of Karawane "Resistance and self-empowerment of women within refugees' self organizations"
Calais Migrant Solidarity "Struggles for freedom of movement and the situation of migrants in Calais"
The Voice "Self organisation and self empowerment is the key for our success. No one refugee will be left alone"
Lampedusa in Hamburg "Experiences and perspectives of refugee struggles in Germany"
Afrique Europe Interact "How is your liberation bound up with mine? Transnational and trans-identity organisation despite different starting positions"
No-Border-Serbia: No-Border-Movement Serbia - Info-Mobile Serbia
Emmanuel Mbolela/ Afrique Europe Interact "Between desert and ocean: Struggles for freedom of movement in the transit"
Activist from Chouche "Ways out of Choucha - Struggles in an isolated refugee camp in Tunisia"
Migráns Szolidaritás Hungary "Situation of refugees in Eastern Europe?
Group housing instead of asylum homes "Housing for refugees in safe spaces: recognising fearful spaces without stigmatising city parts and regions, is that possible?"
Women in Exile & Friends "Refugees policies from a feminist perspective"
Anna Friedrich ""You live from our taxes and then you beat us!" Antiromani racism in Czech Republic"
ADB Leipzig "Open for all?! How to stop racist entrance controls in clubs?"
NIR Leipzig "Islamophobia and anti-muslim racism. Argumentations, catch crys and counterstrategies using a conflict around building a mosque in Gohlis, Leipzig, as an example"
Katharina König "The NSU and the society"
Doris Liebscher "Racism in law or law against racism? Legal situation and reality in terms of dealing with racism in Germany"
Juanita Henning/ Dona Carmen e.V. "Human trafficking and forced prostitution ? EU concepts for migration containment"
- Maryam Haschemi "Racial profiling- possible course of action"
Panel right to the city / Urban Struggles:
Right to the City activists "Gentrification"
- Stadt für alle Leipzig (City for everyone Leipzig): "Exchange value versus utility value: understanding real estate speculations in order to oppose it"
The European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City: "European Housing Struggles against Financialisation and Austerity"
- Erwerbsloseninitiative BASTA/ Mietergemeinschaft Kotti & Co/ Plattform der Hypothekenbetroffenen PAH (Barcelona)/ Bündnis Zwangsräumung Verhindern:
- Community Organizing I "Dilemmas of actual urban movements?
- Community Organizing II "The method Community Organizing as a way out"
- Community Organising III: "Concrete successes and hurdles of current grassroots organisations"
Interventionistische Linke/Contraste: "Socialising the city"
Felicita Reuschling: "Utopias - feminist living utopias of modernity revisited"
Carla Hirt/ Comitê Popular do Rio - Brasil: "The "Comitê Popular do Rio - World Cup and Olympia": resistence against the legacy of inequality in the context of sport events in Rio de Janero?
BUKO Working group CitySpace: "Concrete utopia within the Right-to-the-city-movements"
- Network "Who owns the city?": "Urban struggles and Blockupy 2014 - knowing what to expect"
- Fuel Poverty Action (UK): "Power to the People! Struggles against energy poverty? [ fuelpovertyaction.org.uk ]
- Gemeinsame Front für Recht auf Wohnen- Romania/ PAH Spain: "Forced Eviction and Resistance - An Exchange"
- Grassroots organisation Kaika-Shi (Venezuela): "Democratisation of the city - but with everyone?"
- Right to the City activist (Chile): "The right to the city in vulnerable and neoliberal cities after disaster and reconstruction in Chile"
- Selene Cruz/ Creciente Popular (Colombia): "Between city and peripherie. The necessity for an urban grassroot movement"
Felix Wiegand: "The work of David Harvey. Urban political economy and rebellious cities"
- Mietrebellen: "Living within the crisis: neoliberalism - struggles - perspectives"
Rote Beete Sehlis: "Solidarity agriculture - an urban-rural relationship, applicable to other cities?"
- Avanti Hamburg: "Practise skills: media in the field RaS"
Avanti Hamburg: "Practise skills: alliance work with those affected"
Solidarity4all (Greece)/ Plattform der Hypothkenbetroffenen PAH (Spain)/ Action - Diritti in Movimento (Italy: "Struggles for housing within the Euro crisis"
- Felicita Reuschling: "Housing projects as feminist practice?"
- Café 2 Grad: "Societal relationships with nature in the city?"
Traumklinik Marburg: "Gaul instead of Rome"
- Right to the city activists Hamburg: "4 years Right to the City Hamburg"
Brett Scott (UK): "Can we use technology to reconnect urban life to ecological reality?", suitpossum.blogspot.de
- Group BASTA Münster/ Aroma Zapatista Hamburg: 20 years zapatista autonomy. The Zapatista resistence yesterday and today
- Education activists/BUKO Working Group Education and Emancipation (BiEM): Anticapitalism and education protest: Best practices in Rhein-Main?
Adriana Martínez Rodríguez/ Andrés Barreda Marín/ Octavio Rosas Landa Ramos (Mexico): The PPT (Permanent Peoples Tribunal) Section Mexico. The Mexican civil society settles the bill with the state
- BUKO-Activists Berlin: Introduction to TTIP- Free Trade and Investment Agreement US - EU
Video activists/ CADEHO (Honduras/ Spain): Practical internationalism: human rights observance in Latin America
- BUKO AG Internationalisms: Internationalisms - a contemporary term?
- Energiekämpfe in Bewegung (EkiB): coal pull out is hands on work- international perspectives of the climate movement - ideas for direct action in 2015 G8/COP21 across the spectrum
- Antifacist-activists (Russia): Migration and Repression in an international context (focused on Ukraine and Russia conflict)
Elias Perabo (Adopt a revolution)/ Kurdish students in Germany: Syria
Sternstr. 2, 20357 Hamburg
Tel.: 040/393156
Hochschulen in der
Wächterstraße 11-13 in Leipzig
The congress is hosted by the Bundeskoordination Internationalismus (BUKO). It is organised in a collective process by a local network and larger group of people from various places in Germany.
co organisers
Studentenrat der HTWK | StudentInnenRat der Universität Leipzig | Studierenderat der HGB | Engagierte Wissenschaft e.V. | Attac Leipzig
funding by
Juliane Nagel | LinXXnet | Kein Mensch ist illegal Leipzig | Bon Courage e.V. (Borna) | chronik.LE - Dokumentation und Analyse faschistischer, rassistischer und diskriminierender Aktivitäten in und um Leipzig | Ya Basta Leipzig | Prisma | Interventionistische Linke | the future is unwritten