Programm - zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.05.2014

alle oder nirgends

Freitag, 2014-05-30

Utopias - Feministische Wohnutopien heute (Felicita Reuschling)

Domestic Utopias II

The image of the revolution within the workers movement was traditionally based on publicity and the appropriation of previously private industrial production modes. The organisation of the living conditions was hardly in focus.The workshop will introduce concepts from the 20th century for a "grand domestic revolution", based on the exhibition "Domestic utopias". Based on the division of the private and the public sphere, production and reproduction, which are specific for capitalist societies, we will introduce utopian alternatives.In which way do lived and/or fictitious living utopia have elements of feminist materialism or stand in contradiction to them. From which context did the impulse for a different organisation of reproduction work originate and from today's perspectives what are their limitations? In dialoge with Nahla from the group Class Consciousness (Leipzig) we want to discuss with the participants their current experiences and wishes for the future. Felicita Reuschling, Nahla Group Class Consciousness

ausgehend von der konkreten situation der teilnehmer_nnen wollen wir gemeinsam in kleingruppenarbeit und plenum entlang der fragen: wer wohnt mit wem? wie ist die wohnstruktur organisiert? wer macht die reproduktiven arbeiten? diskutieren und austauschen was für wünsche zu sorgeverhältnissen gibt es und was ist an dieser diskussion politisch?

Mit Felicita Reuschling & Nahla (Gruppe Klasse Bewusstsein)

Day Freitag - 2014-05-30
Room HTWK-Seminarraum 7
Start time 17:00
Duration 01:00
Track Recht auf Stadt
Language used for presentation German