Programm - PREVIEW

¡deserta! verweigern-widersetzen-revoltieren

Samstag, 2013-05-11

Militanter Klassenkampf - Bergarbeiter_innen-Streik in Asturien

Militant class struggles - Miner strike in Asturies

Im letzten Sommer initiierten die Gewerkschaften der Minenarbeiter in Asturien einen Generalstreik gegen die Austeritätspolitik der Regierung, die die Abschaffung des Bergbaus in Spanien in weniger als zwei Jahren bedeutet hätte. Die Hauptträger der Kämpfe war eine Gruppe von 200 Arbeitern, die von ihrer Führung betrogen und von Tag zu Tag weiter isoliert und schließlich verhaftet wurden, sich aber trotzdem weigerten aufzugeben. In dem Workshop geht es um die Protagonist_innen, den Kontext, die Folgen und die Perspektive der Kämpfe. (Workshop in spanisch-deutsch).

Mit Aktivisten der Gewerkschaften der Minenarbeiter in Asturien

Last summer, Asturies, a region in the mountains of northern Spain, became the focus of international media for a few weeks. The powerful unions who controlled the coal mines launched their members to a general strike to fight back the government austerity measures that meant the extinction of the mining sector in Spain, in less than two years. Along several weeks, we could see on TV images of a fierce struggle from a group of workers in defense of their jobs and their communities who was hardly surprised by a government decided to put an end to a way of life. The real weight of that struggle, was carried by a small group of workers who were betrayed by their leaders, workers that each day that passed were more surrounded, isolated and overwhelmed, but who refused to surrender. In this workshop, you will be able to know a little bit more about what lies beyond the images of miners launching rockets, the almost 200 protesters who were arrested, the network of lies and manipulations that finally grounded the conflict and the aftermath of a struggle who threatens to wake up again this summer of 2013.

Speakers: activists from the miner strike in Asturies

Day Samstag - 2013-05-11
Room Saal
Start time 10:00
Duration 01:30
Track Ressourcenkämpfe
Language used for presentation Spanish