Programm - PREVIEW

¡deserta! verweigern-widersetzen-revoltieren

Freitag, 2013-05-10

"A different story" - Experiences of war and home front, reported by "Breaking the Silence" (Israel)

"Eine andere Geschichte" - Kriegserfahrung und Heimatfront aus der Perspektive von "Breaking the Silence" (Israel)

Kriege zu unterstützen und auszuhalten, daß sie in unserem Namen geführt werden, hängt davon ab, was Krieg für uns bedeutet. Dana Golan von"Breaking the Silence", einer Organisation ehemaliger israelischer Soldat_innen, die Berichte von ihren Einsätzen in den besetzten Gebieten veröffentlichen, wird von ihren Erfahrungen als ehemalige Soldatin und als Antikriegsaktivistin berichten: Welche Rolle spielt die Ausblendung der Kriegsrealität an der "Heimatfront"? Ist es möglich, "heimatliche" Unterstützung von Krieg durch Bebilderung und Erzählung konkreter Erfahrungen in Frage zu stellen?

Referent_innen: Breaking the Silence (Israel), Stiftung W

The support of war and the bearability that they are fought in our names, very much depends on the perception of what that war really is. "Breaking the Silence", an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military, have decided to expose the Israeli public to the disturbing experiences of soldiers in the Occupied Territories. By that they try to break the collective silence about the effects of war and to present its consequences for those against whom it is fought, for the soldiers fighting that war, but also for those back home. Dana Golan will share her experiences as a former soldier and as an activist of "BthS" confronting the "home front" with the meaning of war as an immediate experience: What are the steps from being a soldier to becoming an anti-war activist? Is it possible to change the perception of war, to counter the imary and narratives involved in creating a stable and supportive "home front"? And what other influences are there to weaken that "home front" that must be considered an undispensible and active participant of war?

Speakers: Breaking the Silence (Israel), Stiftung W

Tag Freitag - 2013-05-10
Raum Saal
Beginn 12:00
Dauer 01:30
Track Antimilitarismus
Sprache der Veranstaltung englisch