Klimacamps in Deutschland und benachbarten Ländern 2018

Sommer 2018

Auch diesen Sommer finden wieder zahlreiche Klimacamps statt, sowohl in Deutschland als auch international. Zum Teil beziehen sich diese auch aufeinander. Hier eine kleine Übersicht, ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Kohleausstieg und der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel ist Handarbeit. Anbei findet ihr eine Übersicht über anstehende Klimacamps und Veranstaltungen. Falls ihr von einem Camp wisst, dass hier fehlt, sagt gerne Bescheid: martin@buko.info



Ende Gelände mobilisiert nach Tschechien, 28. Juni – 01. Juli(siehe unten)



Klimacamp Leipziger Land Pödelwitz , 28. Juli - 05. August



Klimacamp im Rheinland,  11. bis 22. August



Kerpen-Mannheim, Camp for future, 17.-26. August



Ende gelände mobilisiert in die Niederlande, 24. – 31. August, (siehe unten)



Klimacamp München,  5. bis 9. September



 Ende Gelände Hambacher Forst bei Köln, 25. - 29. Oktober 2018



Eine Übersicht von Klimacamps im deutschsprachigen Raum findet ihr auch auf der Seite http://www.klimacamp.org/



Darüber hinaus gibt es folgende internationalen Termine:



Czech climate camp and action „Limity jsme my – we are the limits“, probably again in a lignite open pit mine in North-Bohemia

Join the movement for climate justice and come to the second KLIMAKEMP

There will be discussions, workshops, cultural shows and protests against the coal extraction and burning. During five days we’ll live in a commonly managed camp on the principles of non-hierarchy, democracy and sustainability. There will be enough space for creative, brave and non-violent actions.
"We are the limits to fossil fuel industry. It’s time to overcome together our inner limits and fight for an ecological and just future. It depends on us, if we are going to have our planet and health destoyed or we are striving with determination after a sustainable and just future."

Email: limityjsmemy(at)riseup.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/...




Das erste Klimacamp in Polen findet in Świętne statt. mehr Infos hier:

<link aktuelles artikel news>buko.netropol.net/www/aktuelles/artikel/news/1-klimacamp-in-polen/



3.8.-13.8. 2018


Swiss Climate camp in Basel, Switzerland

The Climate Games are a framework for action in which you can playfully raise awareness about climate change. The idea is to show that the movement from below can fight for a more climate-friendly world. Our actions bring together different aspects of global change. You form teams of several people and take part in your own actions or plan. You can decide for yourself how and where you want to go into action.
At the camp you can:
– Prepare actions or join an already existing action
– Visit workshops or lectures or offer them yourself
– Recharge your batteries, stay overnight, eat, visit cultural events

August 10th-11th: Climate Games

The Action Days of the Climate Games 2018 are dedicated to the fight against the consumption of fossil fuels!
The Basel oil port plays a central role in the use of fossil fuels in Switzerland. More than a third of the Swiss total mineral oil needs are distributed throughout Switzerland via the “Ports of Switzerland”. The oil, whose production and transport are accompanied by human rights violations and environmental destruction, is loaded here from the oil tankers on trains and trucks in Basel and distributed throughout Switzerland.
As part of these action days activists want to draw attention to the urgency of a system change. Therefore a mass action of civil disobedience will take place in the Basle oil port. Hand in hand with independent small group actions, we will stand together, non-violently, but definitely the fossil industry in the way. Let’s send together a strong call for climate justice!




Climate camp and Code Rood mass action in the gas field of Groningen, Netherlands

This summer we will send out a clear message together with hundreds of people for a consequent coal exit through our action Kohle erSetzen! (rePlace coal!). Especially the power generation through coal significantly heats up the global climate change, which is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Furthermore in the Rhineland, literally on our doorstep, complete villages are still being relocated and ecosystems are still being destroyed. Similar to the symptoms of an exploitative generation systems accumulating in the Rhenish lignite (brown coal) district, the diverse resistance will come together at the end of August: a human chain, track blockades, a bike demonstration, actions of smaller groups and our sit-in! Disobediently we will block a coal power station. Together we place ourselves onto the access roads and demand clearly: rePlace coal! (Kohle erSetzen!

We will organize ourselves in affinity groups and support each other. Whether young people, experienced activists, blockade beginners or people who signed a cease-and-desist declaration of RWE: in a decisive and joint fashion we will be disobedient and not open the road when police asks us to do so. Let’s fight nonviolently and in solidarity for climate justice on the streets! Save the climate disobediently!
