Programm - zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.05.2014

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Freitag, 2014-05-30

Lampedusa in Hamburg: WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! (LiHH)

This workshop will provide an introduction into the history of the refugee group Lampedusa in Hamburg and our struggle for recognition. Furthermore it will give an insight into the present condition of the group (legal, political, social), the political struggle we fight and our demands towards the government and german society. As well we will touch the topics of European migration system, European political change and the collapse of the Dublin II regulations.

Tag Freitag - 2014-05-30
Raum HTWK-Seminarraum 2
Beginn 10:00
Dauer 01:30
Track Migration & Rassismus
Sprache der Veranstaltung englisch